Mayors seek end to downloading

Spallumcheen Mayor Janice Brown among those who want federal and provincial governments to stop downloading services...

Enough is enough, according to Spallumcheen Mayor Janice Brown.

Having attended a three-day meeting in Penticton with 85 other mayors from around B.C., Brown said the prevailing attitude from all municipal leaders is they’ve had enough downloading of services from the provincial and federal governments.

“They keep putting in rules and regulations, and it’s costing us all money,” said Brown at a recent regular council meeting.

“We’re trying to figure out a new partnership with the provincial and federal governments. We’re trying to figure out how to solve the downloading and other decisions being made by government.”

The mayors are hopeful the governments will partner with them at a round table discussion to talk about the impacts downloading are having on communities.

In Spallumcheen, the township is currently in a debate with the provincial government over the township taking over maintenance and upgrades to the Fortune Creek Diking District.

“We’re just trying to get their attention. We need to let them know what they’re doing is not working,” said Brown, who said she was glad she attended the conference. “They keep cutting our hands, cutting our hands, cutting our hands.”

Armstrong Mayor Chris Pieper took a pass on the meeting.

“There are things we can bring up with government at SILGA (Southern Interior Local Government Association) and UBCM (Union of British Columbia Municipalities), where we get a chance to speak with the government,” said Pieper. “I couldn’t justify spending three days in Penticton when we get a chance to meet with ministers and government officials at those two conferences.”

Pieper said he is planning to meet with mayors during a mayors-only meeting at UBCM in the fall.


Vernon Morning Star