An end of school year event at McKim exceeded public health orders, the McKim Principal says. Bulletin file

McKim Principal apologizes for end of year event

The outdoor event exceeded numbers allowed by public health orders

The Principal of McKim Middle School in Kimberley is apologizing for an outdoor end of year event at the school on Thursday evening this week.

He sent the following letter to the Bulletin.

Dear Editor

I am writing this letter to you to apologize for my lack of judgment as Principal of McKim Middle School.

On the evening of June 24th 2021 McKim Middle School hosted a Grade 7 end of year event outdoors. Parents and community members gathered outside the school parameter fence and watched. This was in contravention of the Public Health Order and the Ministry of Education plan for schools.

During this event when community members were present, Grade 7 teachers handed out certificates indicating achievement of concluding their time at McKim.

It was because of my lack of judgment that a gathering occurred exceeding numbers allowed by public health orders, and without control measures in place. I feel a heavy burden for not considering the implications and consequences of my plan at McKim and I apologize for my lack of judgement.

I feel that these actions were unfair to all of you working hard to follow Provincial guidelines and not gathering to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. Please accept my apology.


Brad Carrier


McKim Middle School

Kimberley Bulletin