Milkcrate Records. (File)

Milkcrate Records. (File)

Milkcrate Records to close at the end of the month

The venue and record shop has presented close to 400 shows over its eight years in Kelowna

  • Sep. 14, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Vinyl lovers and show-goers in Kelowna are going to be losing a staple destination come the end of the month.

Milkcrate Records, a local record shop and music venue, is planning to shut its doors for good on Sept. 28.

In their Sept. 13 newsletter, the shop announced it had been evicted from its current location and the search for a new space was unsuccessful.

“Thank you to all the artists, poets, authors, filmmakers, musicians, singers and bands who enriched our lives with their music, talent, passion and artistry,” said owner Richard Rafton.

“Thank you to all the arts and music and spoken word fans who came and cheered and clapped and shared the love. For us it always was and always shall be about the music. We’re very proud to have presented close to 400 shows over eight years at Milkcrate, featuring over 1000 artists.”

He closed the letter by adding, “as Greg Keelor (Blue Rodeo) closes out their shows: ‘we’ll see you all further on down the road.'”

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