Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett is advising her constituents to stay calm during this time of crisis and follow provincial health guidelines.
With the widespread suspension of most of the B.C. Legislature earlier this month, Barnett herself is now working from home and taking calls from across the Cariboo from concerned citizens. She’s been doing her best to reassure people and advise them to stay in, listen to Dr. Bonnie Henry and doing her best to guide them to where they can get answers for the many questions they have.
Topics have included rent, finances, help for seniors and of course the impact COVID-19 can and will have on businesses. Barnett said the Cariboo is still weathering the impacts of Wildfires of 2017 and the general downturn of the forestry industry in recent months, so the impact on small businesses especially could be devastating. For now, both her and her office employees working from home are just doing their best to keep the public informed as she is about what’s coming next.
Read More: Cariboo Chilcotin MLA Barnett will not run in 2021 B.C. election
One of her biggest concerns, which is shared by many, is the fact there are still some people not following the advice of Dr. Henry and aren’t avoiding unnecessary public contact.
“Think about your neighbours, think about your family, think about your community and stay your distance, wash your hands and if you don’t need to go out, don’t go,” Barnett said. “The financial burden is horrific but that’s not important. The most important thing right now is everybody’s health and without your co-operation and concern for others, this could get worse.”
So long as Dr. Henry is listened to, Barnett said the Cariboo-Chilcotin should be able to get through this together. While she personally misses talking to her constituents face to face, Barnett says she’s got three phones people call in her home and her computer for emails. Until this ends, she’ll be doing her best to serve the community from home and hopes everyone takes care and pays attention to what’s going on.