Improvements are moving ahead for Pat Duke Memorial Arena.

Improvements are moving ahead for Pat Duke Memorial Arena.

More cash for Pat Duke arena

Souvenir sales bolster the amount of money available for the Lumby arena

There’s even more cash available to improve Lumby’s Arena.

The sale of Kraft Hockeyville souvenirs has led to $5,000 in revenue, which can go to upgrades at Pat Duke Memorial Arena.

“It’s good news,” said Randal Ostafichuk, White Valley Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee director.

The brings the grant total available for upgrades to $175,000, including the $100,000 Lumby received from winning the Hockeyville title. Other funds are coming from the gas tax program, donations and a Telus grant.

The primary focus of the improvements will be the girls’ dressing rooms, and pre-design work could begin in March.

Recreation taxes rise

Taxes in Cherryville and Lumby will climb slightly for parks and recreation.

The White Valley Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee is increasing taxes 3.3 per cent in 2017 but when growth is factored in, it will be about two per cent.

“It’s primarily related to inflation — operating costs,” said Tannis Nelson, community services manager.

Some capital projects are planned, including a concrete surface for the Cherryville ice rink.

“We’re also still building up our reserve funds,” said Randal Ostafichuk, director.


Vernon Morning Star