The City of Kelowna has expanded land-use in the area around Kelowna General Hospital.
Council passed an amendment broadening the health services transitional zone (HD3) on Monday (Jan. 18), allowing multi-family developments to be constructed in the area. The proposal of two developments on Royal Avenue prompted the change.
The zone is intended to ease the transition between the imposing hospital campus and neighbouring residential areas to the north and south. City staff saw multiple-dwelling housing to be a supportive use of the zoning.
Council, shortly after approving the changes to the zone, rezoned land at 480 Royal Avenue to allow for a two-storey mixed-use building with ground-level commercial and four one-bedroom rental units on the second floor.
Another development proposed at 416, 426 and 430 Royal Avenue would also make use of the amended zoning. That building is currently proposed as a three-storey, 38-unit rental apartment building. That proposal will likely come to council later this year.
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READ MORE: Council approves designation for Kelowna’s Benvoulin Heritage Park
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