dSchool bus - File photo

dSchool bus - File photo

More students eligible to ride the school bus

Kids can access the bus if they have to walk more than 3.5 km

Students across the North Okanagan-Shuswap School District will have greater access to rides to and from school.

Trustee Mike McKay has given final acceptance to an amendment of the bus transportation regulation.

This will put into motion the new bus transportation guidelines which provide bus transportation if students have to walk more than 3.5 kilometres for all grades.

Previously, busing was only authorized if primary students had to walk more than four km and 4.8 kilometres for students in Grades 4 to 12.

A number of parents had previously complained about the limits as being excessive, as it would take a student nearly an hour to walk a 4.8-kilometre distance and, in some cases, this would be on routes without sidewalks.

The change came, in part, after additional transportation funding was provided by the Ministry of Education prior to the May 9 provincial election.

Salmon Arm Observer