RCMP seized 70 firearms from a Spallumcheen property last week. (RCMP image)

RCMP seized 70 firearms from a Spallumcheen property last week. (RCMP image)

More than 70 guns seized in Spall

RCMP seizure from North Okanagan home follows report of shots fired

  • Apr. 23, 2018 12:00 a.m.

A sizable firearm seizure was made in Spallumcheen after RCMP responded to multiple shots fired.

Vernon North Okanagan RMCP make sizeable firearm seizure after responding to multiple shots fired on a rural property in Spallumcheen BC.

The Vernon North Okanagan RCMP were called to a residence located in the 1640 block of Simons Road, on Thursday, April 19, just before 7 p.m., for reports of shots allegedly being fired in an un-safe manner.

Investigators learned that shots were being fired in close proximity to a public roadway and other homes. General Duty officers located a residence where bullet holes were scattered through vehicles on the property in question. A male and female were taken into custody without incident. Further search of the property, led police to find numerous firearms and ammunition being stored in an un-safe manner.

Over 70 firearms were seized from the property, including both non-restricted and restricted firearms with numerous rounds of ammunition and magazines.

“Thankfully, no one was injured in this incident,” said Cst. Kelly Brett. “The seizure of the 74 firearms improves safety in the community as most firearms used in crime are domestically sourced. When they are not stored properly it makes it easier for them to be stolen for criminal use.”

The male and female, both of Armstrong, are facing numerous firearm related offences and are scheduled to appear in court in June 2018.

For information on licensing, registration and general safekeeping of firearms, visit the RCMP’s Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) website at www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf.

If you’d like to surrender unwanted firearms, under no circumstances should you bring firearms or ammunition to police detachments or community police offices. Call your local police and officers will come pick them up. When police attend to retrieve your unwanted firearm, do not bring your firearm to the door. Leave it securely stored so the officer can ensure the firearm is unloaded and safe for transport.

See more police news: RCMP’s most wanted

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