MOTI staff to address Emcon terms

Next month at Electoral Area Services, Ministry of Transportation staff will clarify the process of maintaining and repairing rural roads, including snow removal, which is carried out by Emcon Services.

The idea was forwarded Monday by Area B director Rod Nichol, who received 22 phone calls about the lack of snow-clearing in rural areas during pre-Christmas snowfalls.

Nichol believes the level of roadway maintenance has deteriorated in recent years, thereby affecting the safety of the travelling public in terms of pot holes, sloped road shoulders and other hazards.

In terms of plow cycles during a snow event, Emcon has said it will stay on main routes and arterials until a storm clears, after which it looks after D class roads.

Also Monday, the committee approved a second request from Nichol to direct staff to apply to the ministry for a permit to construct a parking lot and fence on a beach access road in Little River.

Harvard Road has been a bone of contention for many years.

Some area residents have been frustrated with a neighbour who has placed boulders and other obstructions on the public access, but the property owner says he has obtained permits for all of his work.

The Transportation Ministry has the right of way at the Harvard Road access, but the regional district has permission to use about a metre of it as a pathway to the beach.



Comox Valley Record