A motorcyclist has died after an accident involving multiple vehicles occurred early Saturday morning at 22900 block of Dewdney Trunk Road.
Staff Sgt. Jolaine Percival with Ridge Meadows RCMP said crews responded to a call just after 12:46 a.m.
She said a damaged motorcycle was found with the driver unconscious – they were later pronounced dead on scene.
The exact cause of the accident is currently unknown.
“The drivers of the two motor vehicles involved are cooperating with the investigation,” Percival said, though she said RCMP are asking anyone with information to contact the Ridge Meadows RCMP by calling 604-463-6251.
Shortly after the accident occurred, crews responded to a call regarding a vehicle fire in the parking lot of Thomas Haney Secondary School – several blocks south of the motorcycle crash.
While no injuries or structure damage occurred, Staff Sgt. Percival confirmed the two incidents were not related.
More details to come.
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Email: ryan.uytdewilligen@langleyadvancetimes.com
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