MP launches drive to recognize Korean War vets in this riding

MP's Report, Cathy McLeod - MP launches drive to recognize Korean War vets in this riding

Ottawa – On Feb. 28, MP Cathy McLeod launched a drive to recognize Korean War Veterans in Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo.

“Our Government is honoured to mark 2013 as the Year of the Korean War Veteran,” said McLeod. “It is our duty to pay tribute to more than 26,000 Canadian men and women in uniform who came to the aid of the South Koreans during the Korean War, and in particular the 516 Canadians who gave their lives in service to defend the values of peace and freedom on the Korean Peninsula.”

This July, Canada will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the signing of the armistice that led to the conclusion of combat on the Korean Peninsula. Canada’s military contributions to this war are remarkable and should never be forgotten. Canadian Veterans who served in this horrible conflict should be remembered for their remarkable military contribution. We would like to celebrate this important milestone in Canadian history by recognizing our local Korean War Veterans.

“Korean War Veterans have respectfully commemorated the sacrifices of so many of their fellow Canadians. This Year, our nation will pay special tribute to their sacrifices,” stated McLeod. “I would appreciate if everyone would consider submitting their stories or identify members of our community who fought in the Korean War so they can be recognized.”

Nominations can be received at Cathy McLeod’s Kamloops Office, by phone (250-851-4991), or email ( or mailed postage free to Cathy McLeod MP, 979 Victoria St., Kamloops, B.C., V2C 2C1.


Barriere Star Journal