A screen shot of plans for the multi-unit light-industrial shop proposed in Marysville (City of Kimberley file)

A screen shot of plans for the multi-unit light-industrial shop proposed in Marysville (City of Kimberley file)

Multi-unit light-industrial shop complex to be built in Marysville

Kimberley City Council has approved a Development Variance Permit for the proposed shop complex.

  • Aug. 30, 2019 12:00 a.m.

A Development Variance Permit (DVP) for a light-industrial shop in Marysville has been approved by Kimberley City Council.

At a regular Council meeting on Monday, Manager of Planning Services Troy Pollock explained that the DVP is to allow for a change to setback requirements in the construction of a 10-unit shop complex at 1180 303rd Street.

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Pollock said that notice of the setback variance was sent to adjacent property owners and no comments have been received.

The applicant is proposing to build a 10-unit light-industrial shop complex in two phases, with each building sharing a common inner courtyard for vehicle and shop access.

Each unit will face inward toward the courtyard, and the applicant says that having the building further back will give an extra 6.1m in the courtyard, allowing for the loading and unloading of goods and equipment, maneuvering and parking of vehicles and broad access for emergency services.

“The Light Industrial Zone (M-2) requires that all business must be conducted within an enclosed building with exception for outdoor storage which must be screened from view,” City Planner Christopher Jones explained in a report to Council. “Requiring the 4.5m setback may lend to businesses using this space for storage potentially causing an unsightly situation for neighbouring properties. Reducing the setback will encourage the storage of goods and materials within the inner courtyard, away from public view.”

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Pollock says that this type of development is supported in the Official Community Plan.

“This type of space is in demand, and has been for a while now,” he said to Council.

Councillor Sandra Roberts asked how the ten separate bays will operate. Pollock said that the owner will be able to rent them out and/or sell them through a strata-type agreement.

The buildings are planned to be individually serviced with 200 amp electrical panels and gas meters, and will be serviced by an on-site waste water treatment centre with individual units metered for water use.

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