Murray talks turkey on Tories

Liberal MP says there is a very clear difference between two major parties

Liberal MP Joyce Murray was in Parksville Wednesday, as talk continues of a possible        federal election.

Liberal MP Joyce Murray was in Parksville Wednesday, as talk continues of a possible federal election.

There’s a big difference between the priorities of the federal Liberals and Conservatives, says Joyce Murray.

The Vancouver-Quadra Liberal MP was in Parksville Wednesday to push her private member’s bill to limit tanker traffic off the B.C. north coast.

In her remarks to a small gathering of Liberal faithful, Murray said when an election is called voters will have a clear choice.

The Conservatives, she said, see additional prisons, fighter jets and tax breaks for big companies as priorities, while she said her party favours job creation for youth, retirement security and education.

“That’s a clear distinction. As well, things are coming to a head about secrecy and abuse of power and the impact on democracy by a government that has been dismantling the very structures that hold government to account. Civil service voices are being muzzled, independent scientists’ voices are being muzzled and independent officers of Parliament are fired or sidelined if they speak up in a way the government doesn’t like.”


Parksville Qualicum Beach News