NDP boss Mulcair slated to visit Penticton

Opposition leader has town hall-style meeting planned for next week at Lakeside Resort

Federal NDP leader Thomas Mulcair is scheduled to visit Penticton next week.

Federal NDP leader Thomas Mulcair is scheduled to visit Penticton next week.

Tom Mulcair, leader of the federal NDP, is making Penticton one of the stops on his cross-country tour.

Mulcair is conducting a town hall-style meeting on Feb. 19 at the Lakeside Resort, speaking about the NDP campaign to make life more affordable for everyday Canadians, with a question and answer period to follow.

Jeannette Montgomery, president of the local NDP riding association, doesn’t have a lot more details she can add to that; she’s waiting for party organizers to issue a formal press release.

“He is going to Kamloops on Tuesday and then I understand he will be passing through Vernon and Kelowna and then with us sometime in the midafternoon,” she said. “That’s all I can tell you, because the federal office, they are the organizers and the planners, we are just on the ground doing whatever we can.”

Montgomery did say the riding is pleased to be hosting Mulcair, this being his second visit.

“He was here for the leadership campaign and we organized an event for him here, and he personally promised us he would come back,” said Montgomery. “We held him to it and as a matter of fact, I spoke to him very briefly at the NDP provincial convention last November and reminded him.”

Montgomery would like Mulcair to make another visit, but in a more congenial month than February, when the region is still dealing with the last of the snow.

“We would like him to come back when there are wine tours and much more going on,” said Montgomery.


Penticton Western News