Near balmy conditions for South Okanagan Polar Bear Dip

Near balmy conditions for South Okanagan Polar Bear Dip

The 35th annual Polar Bear Dip organized by the Summerland Kinsemen Club was a hit with all ages.

Under near balmy conditions, with temperatures threatening to hit double digits over 100 people took part in the 35th annual Polar Bear Dip.

Organized by the Summerland Kinsmen Club at Sunoka Beach in Trout Creek, a wide variety of costumed characters ranging in age from five to 87 lined the beach to ring in the new year Wednesday.

Temperatures were hovering around the 10 C degree at noon as the starting gun was fired and the participants ran into the water under the watchful eyes of the volunteers of Penticton Search and Rescue who were in the water to keep everyone safe.

READ MORE: Swimmers prepare for icy plunge at Summerland beach

This year was another family affair for three ladies, Angela Chenier of Castlegar, Penticton’s Wendy Urban and Monika Wegener of Los Angeles, Ca.

“My family’s up here and I came for Christmas,” said Wegener. “I did it last year and I wanted to do it again, it’s a fun thing to do.”

Chenier agreed, adding with a laugh: “She (Wegener) roped me into it last year and I just follow everything my old sister tells me to do.

“It’s also on my bucket list so I may as well, I’m getting old so you’ve got to do exciting things, why not?”

Their team name was Bathing Aging Beauty Contest and on their sign it mentioned the names of the two other sisters, Rita and Heidi, who apparently “chickened out.”

Prizes were also give out by the service club that included the youngest and oldest participants.


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