Nelson Hydro customers are being targeted by a phone scam. File photo

Nelson Hydro customers are being targeted by a phone scam. File photo

Nelson Hydro customers warned of phone scam

The scam threatens service disconnection

  • Oct. 5, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Nelson Hydro customers are being warned about a phone scam that threatens service disconnection.

A person claiming to represent Nelson Hydro has told customers they owe money and will face disconnection unless payment is made by either pre-paid credit cards or bitcoin, according to a City of Nelson release.

Disconnects currently happen for accounts past 90 days of payment, while notification is mailed out on Nelson Hydro letterhead and followed up by a phone call. Bills can be paid at City Hall.

Any information about the scam can be sent to Nelson Police Department at 250-354-3919.

Nelson Star