Nelson's New Year's baby Eliviyah Dalton was born at 4 a.m. on January 1. Proud first time parents are Falyn and Randy of Pass Creek.

Nelson's New Year's baby Eliviyah Dalton was born at 4 a.m. on January 1. Proud first time parents are Falyn and Randy of Pass Creek.

Nelson’s New Year’s Baby a first child for young family

The first baby of 2014 in Nelson was born nine days early to proud first time parents.

  • Jan. 3, 2014 6:00 a.m.

The first baby of 2014 in Nelson was born nine days early to proud first time parents.

Eliviyah Dalton was born at 4 a.m. on January 1 at Kootenay Lake District Hospital. Her mom, Falyn described the birth of her daughter as “pretty traumatic because you don’t know what to expect — but beautiful.”

Falyn and her husband live in Pass Creek but both have been working in Fort McMurray. Falyn left her job with Air Canada as her pregnancy progressed and Randy continues working away as a heavy-duty mechanic.

Because little Eliviyah was born early, Randy wasn’t back from the north and the first time dad had to settle with experiencing his daughter’s birth over FaceTime.

There were some indications that their baby may come early and friends and family were placing bets on whether the birth may come over Christmas.

“When Christmas passed, everyone said ‘maybe she’ll be the New Year’s baby’ and she was,” said Falyn.

The young mom went into labour at 11 a.m. on New Year’s Eve day.

“I did a lot of labouring at home with my sister,” said Falyn.

The sisters came into the Nelson hospital at 9 p.m. that evening and Falyn explained, “It definitely was a long drawn out experience.” At the stroke of midnight the baby still wasn’t ready to come into the world.

“It still took another four whole hours,” she said.

Eliviyah was delivered by Dr. Jeanette Boyd and weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 48 centimetres long. She is a healthy little girl and already nursing well, said a proud mom.

“I am totally over the moon, completely in love,” Falyn said.

The mother and daughter went home Friday and the two of them await daddy, home in a couple of days.


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