Doctors Lwando Nogela (L), from South Africa, and Christian Okebie, from Namibia, have recently started working out of the primary care clinic inside the Lakes District Hospital and Health Centre. They said the community has been “friendly and receptive.” A total of four doctors now work out of the hospital’s primary care clinic, bringing the total number of doctors in Burns Lake to nine (7.25 full-time equivalency).
New doctors start seeing patients in Burns Lake
Doctors Lwando Nogela (L), from South Africa, and Christian Okebie, from Namibia, have recently started working out of the primary care clinic inside the Lakes District Hospital and Health Centre. They said the community has been "friendly and receptive." A total of four doctors now work out of the hospital's primary care clinic, bringing the total number of doctors in Burns Lake to nine (7.25 full-time equivalency).