New inspector introduced

Armstrong hosts open house to introduce Outwest Building Consultants Dec. 10

Armstrong’s new building inspection service will get a look-over.

The city will host an open house to introduce Outwest Building Consultants, who will provide building inspection services for the city starting Jan. 1.

“An open house is suggested with the contractor for an opportunity for local builders and contractors to meet the new building inspectors and ask questions,” said the city’s chief administrative officer, Melinda Stickney.

The open house will run Thursday, Dec. 10, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall (small room).

Contract renewals

The city has renewed three-year contracts with the Armstrong Spallumcheen Chamber of Commerce and Okanagan Boys and Girls Club.

The chamber receives funding for the operation of the travel information centre. The amount paid in 2015 was $14,544 and, with inflation, will rise to $14,700 for 2016.

The Boys and Girls Club leases land from the city for its programming facilities on Pleasant Valley Road. The city doesn’t charge rent for the property but the club pays the utilities and yearly parcel taxes.

Council unanimously agreed to continue the lease arrangement for three years.

Night in Bethlemen

Signs in Armstrong will point toward Bethlehem.

First Baptist Church, on Becker Street, received unanimous approval from council to erect three signs heralding the upcoming event (starts Friday, Dec. 4).

“We are excited about the opportunity to give our community a gift by having people enter the world of Christmas, an interpretation of what Bethlehem might have looked like, more than 2,000 years ago,” wrote Dani Goldenthal from the church.

Signs are placed at three locations: across from the RCMP/Shepherd’s Hardware, at the north entrance to the city and in front of the caboose on Smith Drive.





Vernon Morning Star