Islamic Society of Ridge Meadows is opening a mosque in east Maple Ridge. (THE NEWS/files)

Islamic Society of Ridge Meadows is opening a mosque in east Maple Ridge. (THE NEWS/files)

New mosque planned for east Maple Ridge

Islamic society buys piece of land on River Road

The Islamic Society of Ridge Meadows soon will be moving into a home of its own.

The society said that Jamia Riyadhul Jannah British Columbia has bought an old church on River Road near 272nd Street, at 27079 River Rd. The building will be converted to establish the Jamia Riyahdhul Jannah Mosque.

A community open house and pot luck lunch will take place this Sunday, Sept. 16 at 1 p.m. at the location to celebrate the event. Everyone is welcome.

The Islamic Society of Ridge Meadows said the purchase has been a long-sought goal.

Maple Ridge News