Five or six three-storey residential units are proposed for this development, which sits at 1231 30th St. NE, with the Trans-Canada Highway at the bottom of the image. Setters Pub sits below the development. (City of Salmon Arm image)

Five or six three-storey residential units are proposed for this development, which sits at 1231 30th St. NE, with the Trans-Canada Highway at the bottom of the image. Setters Pub sits below the development. (City of Salmon Arm image)

New residential project planned for Uptown Salmon Arm

City changing official community plan from highway commercial to high-density residential

More residential units are proposed for a piece of property on 30th Street NE that was designated highway-commercial in the city’s official community plan.

City council gave third reading on April 23 to an application for 1231 30th St. NE, a 0.13-hectare site currently housing one home and outbuildings. The property is a little north of 11th Avenue and Setters Pub.

Council approved an official community plan amendment from highway service/tourist commercial to high density residential. As well, a zoning change from R1, single family residential, to R5, high density residential was approved.

The applicants, listed only as Cutting Edge Holdings Ltd., have proposed building five or six three-storey residential units.

The city’s planning department points out that the zones in the immediate area of the property are predominantly residential with rural agricultural land to the east. Commercial zones are farther to the west and south.

“At present, the subject parcel may be considered less ideal for Highway Service/Tourist Commercial development as presently designated, considering the size of the parcel, the commercial node established to the west, and the proximity of recent residential development,” states a staff report.

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In its conclusion, the planning report expresses staff approval: “The proposed Residential – High Density (HR) OCP land use designation and R-5 zoning of the subject properties is consistent with OCP residential policy, will not result in any significant impact on the City’s commercial land supply, and is therefore supported by staff.”

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure must approve the rezoning bylaw before council is able to grant fourth and final reading. A development permit application, outlining site plans and design details of the project, is still forthcoming.

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