Bob and Joanne Lealess talk with SOS program coordinator Corrie Boucher about the new Seniors Connecting program starting in Qualicum Beach on Sept. 11. — Lissa Alexander photo

Bob and Joanne Lealess talk with SOS program coordinator Corrie Boucher about the new Seniors Connecting program starting in Qualicum Beach on Sept. 11. — Lissa Alexander photo

New seniors program in Qualicum will spur connections

Latest initiative offered to seniors in QB and surrounding areas

  • Aug. 24, 2018 12:00 a.m.

A new SOS program in Qualicum Beach will help seniors meet new people, develop new friendships, and gain information on timely topics, according to the Society of Organized Services.

Seniors Connecting will run monthly at Qualicum Commons starting Sept. 11, offering seniors in Qualicum Beach and the surrounding areas an opportunity to enjoy social interaction, a light lunch and presentations.

Qualicum Beach residents who already attend the Parksville Seniors Connecting program will have the opportunity to stay in that group, or begin attending the Qualicum Beach program.

Joanne and Bob Lealess live in Qualicum Beach. They have recently been attending the Seniors Connecting program in Parksville, which has been running for 13 years, and are looking forward to accessing the program closer to home.

“I’m excited about connecting with others because we don’t know a lot of people, and we’ve been here for years,” she said. “This will bring that connection into Qualicum and those that are wanting that, like us and many others, will come.”

The group will meet Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Qualicum Commons, and transportation is available.

The program is for residents aged 65 and over who live in Qualicum Beach, Coombs, Errington, French Creek, Whiskey Creek, Qualicum Bay and Bowser.

Corrie Boucher will lead the group, and currently works with local seniors co-ordinating the Oceanside Better at Home program for SOS. She feels the new program will benefit many residents in the area.

“Many of the clients I currently work with would enjoy connecting with others in the area in a safe, relaxed atmosphere like this. I’m looking forward to getting to know the interests of the group and together we can decide on what speakers to host and navigate the waters together.”

Bob Lealess said he is looking forward to connecting with other men in the area, and meeting other couples with like interests. Joanne agreed.

“People need people, that’s what the connection is,” she said, referring to the name of the program. “It’s friendship.”

Call 250-752-2040 ext. 1 to register for the program. The group will meet Sept. 11, Oct. 23, Nov. 13, Dec. 11, Jan. 8 2019, Feb. 12, and Mar. 13 at Qualicum Commons. For more information on SOS visit You can also follow SOS on Facebook for program updates and Thrift Sales at

— Submitted by Lissa Alexander

Parksville Qualicum Beach News