New study finds Victoria fourth most expensive city in Canada for date night

Can't buy me love? Well maybe you can

  • Sep. 20, 2019 12:00 a.m.
A new study by EliteSingles has found the province’s capital city is the fourth most expensive date night in Canada. (Black Press File Photo)

A new study by EliteSingles has found the province’s capital city is the fourth most expensive date night in Canada. (Black Press File Photo)

What would you do for love? Well if you live in Victoria, you better start shelling out the cash. A new study by EliteSingles found the province’s capital city has the fourth most expensive date night in Canada.

According to the study, a typical date night — consisting of mid-range dinner for two, a shared bottle of wine, two movie tickets and an 8 km taxi ride home — costs $133 in Victoria.

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We come in just after the cost of a date in Toronto at $150, Vancouver at $149 and Ottawa at $138.

Victoria is $6 more expensive than the average Canadian date night ($127) and $21 more than the cheapest place on the list, Quebec City where the same date night would cost you $112.

Surprisingly, following Victoria, the next most expensive city for a romantic night is in the not-so-romantic capital of Alberta — Edmonton, at $131.

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On a global scale, Oslo, Norway was the most expensive city in the world for a date at a shocking $211. London, UK took second place at $188 and Washington DC is the world’s third most expensive city for a date at $188.

To see how other cities rank visit

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