Abbotsford City Hall File photo

Abbotsford City Hall File photo

New union contract pushes Abbotsford wage bill up in 2017

Ratified contract saw CUPE employees receive backpay for 2016 work

A new contract with the city’s unionized workers saw a sharp increase in compensation for CUPE employees in 2017.

Compensation to CUPE staff earning more than $75,000 increased by more than $3 million last year, to $9.4 million, according to the city’s annual statement of financial information (SOFI) report released this week.

That 49 per cent increase accounts for most of the $3.8 million increase in compensation that went to high-earning city staff last year. A chunk of that new money could disappear next year, as CUPE staff received back pay for time worked in 2016, after a new contract backdated to that year was ratified in the fall of 2017. The new contract for CUPE saw a 1.5 per cent pay increase for 2017.

Harsh winter conditions at the start of 2017 also added to the paybills, with overtime payouts increasing by more than $600,000 over the previous year.

Compensation for non-unionized staff and union firefighters also rose, but not significantly. Firefighter pay rose in line with the 2.5 per cent increase owed under their contract, while pay for managers and other staff rose by about one per cent.

Council and mayor took a small cost-of-living pay increase. Councillors were paid about $40,000 each – depending on time served as deputy mayor – while Mayor Henry Braun earned $108,600.

This year will be the last for which council and mayor’s pay increases are based on inflation. In 2016, council voted to tie their salary increases to the average of a citizen’s salary. Councillors will be paid three-quarters the salary of an average full-time worker, while the mayor will make two-and-a-half times a councillor’s salary.

The move was recommended by an independent committee tasked with coming up with a new policy.

Members of council racked up slightly more expenses than in previous years. The eight members and council combined for $41,816 in total expenses. That’s up from $39,207 in 2016 and $34,345 in 2015.

Mayor Henry Braun had $7,834 in expenses, while Couns. Les Barkman, Sandy Blue, Moe Gill, Dave Loewen and Brenda Falk accumulated between $4,800 and $6,800 in expenses each. Coun. Patricia Ross had $813 in expenses, while Coun. Ross Siemens had the lowest expense bill, at $413.

Expenses of various council members have varied over the last three years. A year ago, Barkman and Falk each had expenses under $1,000, while Siemens and Falk were in the middle of the pack.

Expenses for staff members increased from $627,174 in 2016 to $706,523 in 2017.

A city spokesperson said the bulk of the increase in expenses was due to the purchase of new uniforms for firefighters. A smaller portion of the increase was attributed to relocation expenses.

@ty_olsentolsen@abbynews.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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