The total earnings of Town of Qualicum Beach council and mayor amounted to $186,649 in 2020, including expenses. (Town of Qualicum Beach photo)

Nine Qualicum Beach town employees earned more than $100K in 2020

Mayor and council received earnings totalling $186,649

  • Jun. 13, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Town of Qualicum Beach has released its list of council and staff pay and expenses for 2020.

Mayor Brian Wiese was paid $46,966 and was reimbursed for expenses worth $1,185. Each member of council received $32,225 in 2020. Counc. Adam Walker did not finish the 12 months as he resigned to become Parksville-Qualicum MLA. He was paid a total of $31,510, including expenses of $357.

The town total amount taxpayers paid to the mayor and council was $186,649, according to the town’s 2020 financial information report.

READ MORE: Qualicum Beach council approves own pay hike

Town employees were paid a total of $4,798,284 in 2020, with CAO Daniel Sailland listed as the highest earner with $189,861, including $2,612 in expenses. The total employee remuneration in 2020, including benefits, was $6,171,064.

Other staff members earning more than $100,000 include corporate administrator and deputy CAO Heather Svensen ($167,978), director of engineering, capital projects and airport executive Bob Weir ($154,260), manager of operations Arnold Schwabe ($120,993), director of planning Luke Sales ($120,543), deputy fire chief Peter Cornell ($120,877), human resources manager Colleen Rehor ($110,741), director of finance John Marsh ($105,569) and superintendent of public works Oliver Watson ($105,483).

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