It was a good week for the West Kootenay during the pandemic. Illustration: BC Centre for Disease Control

No new COVID-19 cases in West Kootenay

The region was unaffected by the pandemic during the week of June 13 to 19

  • Jun. 24, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Don’t take those masks off yet, but the West Kootenay went a week in June without a single new COVID-19 case.

The BC Centre for Disease Control says the region was unblemished by the pandemic during the week of June 13 to 19.

The East Kootenay wasn’t as lucky, with 21 new cases in the Windermere region, 19 in Fernie, 10 in Cranbrook and two in Kimberley.

B.C. continues to see new COVID-19 cases plummet, with just 87 announced Wednesday. Of those, Interior Health accounted for 41.


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Nelson Star