Vernon Courts. (Caitlin Clow - Morning Star)

Vernon Courts. (Caitlin Clow - Morning Star)

North Okanagan woman facing first degree murder makes court appearance

Body of 55-year-old man found in Okanagan Indian Band home July 30

A 59-year-old woman charged with first degree murder remains in custody following Monday’s appearance in court.

Lynda Saundry was arrested following a suspicious death at a home on Emery Louis Road near Round Lake, west of Armstrong.

The remains of 55-year-old Barry Jones were found in the home on Okanagan Indian Band land on July 30.

“The accused and the victim were known to one another and our major crime investigators are now focusing on preparing for the judicial process,” BC RCMP Major Crimes Operations officer Supt. Sanjaya Wijayakoon said Aug. 4, 2020, in a statement.

READ MORE: RCMP investigate suspicious death near Round Lake

The matter was brought up at the Vernon Courthouse Monday, Aug. 17, but was put over to Sept. 21, 2020.

Saundry is represented by counsel Donna Turko, a criminal defence lawyer from Vancouver.

READ MORE: Not guilty plea entered in Vernon murder trial

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