A problem house on North Shore Road was recently cleaned up by local authorities. (Bonnie Jones/Facebook)

Nuisance property cleaned up in Lake Cowichan

Neighbours notice flurry of activity at North Shore Road home

A nuisance home on North Shore Road drew a lot of attention from neighbours and various government and utility groups on March 19.

Island District RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Chris Manseau confirmed the RCMP had been called to assist with a clean-up of the dilapidated house.

“It was a nuisance property and they’ve been working with the town,” Manseau explained. “It was a hazardous cleanup, a call to assist to keep the peace.”

Manseau said the house is known around town “to be a bit of a flop house in the past” but multiple crews are actively working to remedy that.

He said homeless advocates have been by to help any people staying there to find better accommodations and now the hydro and water companies have shut off services to the property.

“Apparently the house is in pretty poor condition,” Manseau noted.

Lake Cowichan Mayor Bob Day said the town indeed ordered the cleanup.

“The exterior cleanup is complete for the time being,” Day said.

The ongoing project will continue on various fronts.

“It’s been over four years with local residents making complaints but I don’t know if everybody understands how difficult it is to deal with this,” Day added. “There are a lot of legalities involved.”

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Lake Cowichan Gazette