Oak Bay student wins World Citizenship Scholarship

Ruby Tang earns a $1,000 scholarship from Oak Bay Bahá’í Faith community

  • Jul. 10, 2016 5:00 p.m.
Oak Bay High grad Ruby Tang earned the Spiritual Assembly of Baha’is World Citizenship Award.

Oak Bay High grad Ruby Tang earned the Spiritual Assembly of Baha’is World Citizenship Award.

Oak Bay High grad Ruby Tang earned a $1,000 World Citizenship Scholarship, newly created by the Bahá’í Faith community in Oak Bay.

The scholarship was created to encourage students to “Let your vision be world-embracing” and to work toward harmony between people of all races, cultures and nationalities.

“The world has become increasingly interconnected and the solutions to the problems humanity faces require greater international cooperation,” said spokesperson Nancy Watters. “We want to encourage students to think globally.”

All Grade 12 students at Oak Bay High School were eligible. Twelve students applied. The selection committee unanimously agreed that Tang exemplifies the theme of this award, received at a reception for her and her family on June 23.

“It is not only my hope, but my responsibility as a global citizen to do all that I can to contribute to the betterment of humanity,” Tang said.

While maintaining an ‘honours with distinction’ academic record, Ruby was president of Rotary’s Interact Club, Co-president of Youth Amnesty International, co-founder of Victoria Youth Matters, an Environmental Club member, a research assistant at Royal BC Museum, a peer tutor and peer counsellor, member of Youth Combating Intolerance Club, fundraiser for Cops for Cancer and Model UN participant among many other volunteer pursuits.

Tang has been accepted at University of Toronto, where she will undertake a double major in International Relations and Peace, Conflict and Justice Studies.  She aspires to serve as an ambassador to the UN and “contribute to a more peaceful, equitable, and united world.”


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