Octopus attack

Giant Pacific octopus manages a tie in battle against bald eagle on Denman Island

This Giant Pacific octopus looked like a tasty snack to this eagle, but it was a tough old cephalopod and the eagle went away empty taloned.

This Giant Pacific octopus looked like a tasty snack to this eagle, but it was a tough old cephalopod and the eagle went away empty taloned.

With the Internet a-buzz about the graphic photographs of an octopus eating a seagull by Victoria this week, Parksville resident Wayne Duke had his own tale to tell.

“I witnessed a male bald eagle land in a tidal pool while visiting Denman Island,” he said. “Curious as to what he may be up to, I focused in as best as I could considering the distance and to my amazement he had grabbed onto an octopus.”

Amazed, he took several photographs of the strugle that ensued.


“What I saw was a real life struggle, nature at it’s rawest,” he said. “The eagle tried every possible way it could to remove this octopus from the shallow pool. In the end, I would consider it a draw. The eagle was totally exhausted and the octopus was minus a few bites but able to find safety in a crevice and await high tide.”



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