Official Opposition Leader Kevin Falcon will head Wednesday’s launch event for BC United. BC Liberals voted for the name change last year. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chad Hipolito)

Official Opposition Leader Kevin Falcon will head Wednesday’s launch event for BC United. BC Liberals voted for the name change last year. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chad Hipolito)

Official Opposition to unveil new logo, colours under BC United banner

Leader Kevin Falcon predicts name change will revitalize right-of-centre party

B.C.’s official opposition party will reveal its new colours and logo this week.

Official Opposition Leader Kevin Falcon will head the launch event for BC United Wednesday evening in Surrey.

Falcon announced the event when speaking to reporters at the legislature on the last day before the current Easter Break.

The new name emerged last year following consultations that considered more than 2,000 suggestions.

The party first announced its intent to rename itself in June 2022 during a party convention, when 75 per cent of delegates voted in favour of a change.

While the BC Liberals are not associated with the federal Liberals, the name has caused confusion and senior party leaders have lobbied for a name change since the early 2010s.

RELATED: B.C. Liberal Party officially changing name to BC United

The pending name change of the BC Liberals may also be read as yet another signal that British Columbians won’t be heading to the polls before the next scheduled election in October 2024.

“I think (Premier David Eby) has been clear about this issue,” Falcon said. “He has repeated so many times that he is going to hold that election on October 2024,” Falcon said. “That (calling an early election) would be such an indictment of his character and integrity, that I don’t think there’s a chance he would do that. Having said that, I will always make sure that we’re ready for an earlier election.”

When asked about the semantics of the name change, Falcon said he would be the leader of BC United, or BCU for short.

“Go BCU — think soccer, think football,” he said.


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