Efforts are being fast-tracked to keep a proposed sports complex a priority.
Politicians met Thursday to discuss the steps required to resubmit an application to the Agricultural Land Commission so 10 acres next to Okanagan College can be used for recreational facilities.
“Other issues can take over and we can forget about what we want to do,” said director Jim Garlick of why the complex is at the top of the agenda.
The ALC recently turned down an application for non-farm use of the property, saying the land has good agricultural capabilities and a strong case was not made for long-term recreational needs locally.
As part of the current process, the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee is focusing on its master parks plan, including identifying potential parks sites that may eventually be needed for agricultural land.
Most of Thursday’s discussions were held behind closed doors.
“It was in-camera because of other possible property acquisitions,” said chairperson Wayne Lippert.
Coldstream and Okanagan College were the lead agencies during the previous application to the ALC, but GVAC is now playing an expanded role.
“All participants in Greater Vernon have agreed to work together and to present the plans for the Greater Vernon community,” said Lippert, adding that the goal is to obtain full approval from the ALC.
“We are working towards a resolution of this situation.”
GVAC will meet with the college and sports groups soon to discuss the sports complex, which would include a rubberized track, fields and other amenities.
“We have to demonstrate the community need for these facilities,” said Lippert.
“Everyone is working together to put together support with all of the sports groups and the Greater Vernon community for an application the ALC can support.”