Peter’s Your Independant Grocer staff and Okanagan Sun players celebrate funds raised in 2018. Photo: contributed

Peter’s Your Independant Grocer staff and Okanagan Sun players celebrate funds raised in 2018. Photo: contributed

Okanagan grocer and KidSport collaborate for charity

The "Give A Little Help A Lot" campaign returns to Kelowna

  • Jun. 29, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Under-serviced children in the Okanagan are getting a boost this summer.

Running from June 28 to July 11, customers of Peter’s Your Independent Grocer will have a chance to help kids get more involved in local sports. Along side KidSport Kelowna, the “Give a little, help a lot” campaign looks to erase the financial barriers kids face and help them get involved in organized sports.

Your Independent Grocer owner Peter Boyd said the benefits of sports go well beyond playing fields.

“Many of the skills that are developed and experiences gained from sport help equipped kids with the tools to reach their potential as adults,” said Boyd.

“That’s why it’s important for all children to have the opportunity, because of what it provides in addition to the fun.”

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The two-week long campaign will allow customers to donate $2 when they check out their groceries. Sine 2014, Your In-dependant Grocer and the “Give a little, help a lot” campaign has raised over $17,000 locally, and has helped KidSport assist more than 100 children get involved in Kelowna sports.

“The reality is that every year there are still many kids who miss out on the opportunity to play sports because families cannot afford the price tag,” said chair of KidSport Kelowna Cheryl Browne.

“With the support of partners like Peter’s Your Independent Grocer and the customers, we will ensure fewer kids are left on the sidelines.”

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Donations to the KidSport Kelowna campaign can be made at

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Vernon Morning Star