An online kitten sale convinced an Oak Bay resident to send a $280 gift card as a deposit for a kitten they won’t get. (Black Press Media File Photo)

Online kitten scam dupes Oak Bay resident

Oak Bay Police briefs, Dec. 6 to 13

Always read the fine print.

Last week an Oak Bay resident reported to Oak Bay police that they used Kijiji to locate a kitten for purchase.

“The complainant reported that she contacted a person offering to sell kittens. The seller advised that there was a lot of interest in the kittens and requested a deposit using an Amazon gift card,” said Oak Bay Sgt. Manuel Montero.

The victim sent the $280 gift card code to an email address after which all communication from the seller ended.

“After reviewing all the electronic correspondence between both parties, police have determined that both had entered into a civil agreement for a deposit to be paid to hold the kitten,” Montero said. “Police remind residents to ‘read the fine print’ before agreeing to buy anything over the internet.”

The scam was one of 95 calls for service the Oak Bay Police fielded between Dec. 7 and Dec. 13.

READ ALSO: Oak Bay resident bilked $3,300 in puppy scam

On Dec. 11, Oak Bay police responded to another report of a fraud in the 1300-block of Oliver Street.

In this case, the complainant reported a fraudulent Amazon account had been opened in their name, Montero said.

“Two packages showed up at the complainant’s house and they do not have an Amazon account. The complainant contacted Amazon who have cancelled the account.”

A case of cheque fraud was reported from Dec. 10 in Oak Bay Village.

The complainant said her mother had written a cheque to a local not-for-profit agency but that the name of the recipient on the cheque had been altered prior to deposit. The matter is now being investigated.

On Dec. 7, Oak Bay Police received a report of a break and enter on Uplands Road.

The caller said someone entered their unlocked garage and stole a vintage green Raleigh bike. It has chrome and alloy rims with fender guards and is valued at approximately $300.

A hit-and-run on Dec. 11 was reported from the 1400-block of Beach Drive between the hours of 1:30 and 3 p.m.

The vehicle’s driver side mirror was knocked off causing approximately $300 in damage.

University of Victoria security reported an impaired driver on Dec. 12 in one of the parking lots. Police located a 58-year-old woman parked on Cedar Hill Cross Road near University Drive. A partially consumed vodka bottle was found in the vehicle. Police issued a 90-day immediate prohibition and impounded the vehicle for 30 days.

Anyone with any information on the above crimes or other unsolved crimes can call the Oak Bay Police Department at 250-592-2424 or Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-8477 (tips).

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