Ootischenia Fire Department members push boulder off Highway 3

The boulder blocking the highway weighed more than 400 pounds.

Members of the Ootischenia Fire Department put their muscles to work Tuesday removing a large boulder from Highway 3.

Firefighters responded to the report of a rock slide on the highway at the bottom of the Bombi Summit just after noon on Aug. 12.

According to acting chief Len Coates, the boulder was approximately three feet by three feet and had rolled down from about 50 feet above the highway onto the westbound lane.

After arriving at the scene, firefighters established traffic control for safety, and then members worked together to manually remove the boulder to the side of the road.

“Thanks to Ootischenia Fire fighters for continuing to work out and stay in physical shape, as this rock was about 450 pounds,” said Coates. “This is where staying in good shape pays off.”

Coates said road maintenance contractor Yellowhead Road and Bridge also responded quickly to the scene to finish dealing with the boulder.

READ MORE:Single-vehicle crash in Ootischenia sends driver to hospital

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