Deputy director of Delta community planning and development Marcy Sangret fields questions at an Area Plan open house.

Deputy director of Delta community planning and development Marcy Sangret fields questions at an Area Plan open house.

Open house held for North Delta Area Plan

Community planners seeking input on latest draft plan

Close to 350 people showed up to an open house on March 11 to offer their comments and criticisms about the North Delta Area Plan and the 80 Avenue roundabout.

Some of the concerns expressed at the open house included traffic in the main corridors, such as 72 and 84 Avenues and Scott Road, as well as transportation issues.

“We heard a lot about transportation. That’s always been the number-one issue,” said Marcy Sangret, deputy director of Delta community planning and development. “And that the land use proposals need to be hand-in-hand with planned transportation improvements, otherwise there’s real concern about the congestion that might arise from bringing more people.”

One of the biggest priorities is looking at housing options, Sangret added.

“We hear a lot about the seniors community and we hear a lot about young people wanting to stay in North Delta, so we wanted the plan to really speak to accommodating the needs of the entire community.”

Delta resident Harold Funk said the plan is “reasonable.”

“I know that where I’m living is going to be a little higher-density in the future, but so be it,” said Funk. “I can’t have everything that I wish, but it’s moving along nicely.”

The draft Area Plan is available for viewing on Delta’s website.

Comments can be submitted by email to before March 25.

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