A member of Lifeforce took a shot of orcas in the waters between Cape Lazo and Savery and Texada islands on July 1 while a military exercise was taking place. Photo by Lifeforce Ocean Friends.

A member of Lifeforce took a shot of orcas in the waters between Cape Lazo and Savery and Texada islands on July 1 while a military exercise was taking place. Photo by Lifeforce Ocean Friends.

Orcas pass by during Texada Island tests

Military tests done off after checks for wildlife and boaters

  • Jul. 4, 2019 12:00 a.m.

A local environmentalist snapped some shots July 1 of military testing off Texada Island while some orcas were swimming in the area. Peter Hamilton of Lifeforce Ocean Friends was concerned the tests might affect the well-being of the animals. The tests involved smoke markers activated by water with no explosives. 19 Wing Comox clarified that it has plans in place to protect cetaceans and other marine wildlife that includes surveying an area and ceasing training if orcas, humpbacks and other wildlife are in the area. If any marine life or boats are in an area, they delay training or move the testing. A spokesperson added their protocols also include regularly checking the Department of Fisheries and Oceans website for the latest minimum safe distances in area waters.

Comox Valley Record