Kylea Kanubley, from Comox, Ivander Arthur, from Indonesia, and Siddhanth Adikedi, from United Arab Emirates, get tangled up in a game of Twister at the Rock VIU carnival Thursday. The party, featuring games, live music, free pizza and exhibits, finished of the university’s annual orientation day for new students who come from around the world to study in Nanaimo. (CHRIS BUSH/The News Bulletin)

Kylea Kanubley, from Comox, Ivander Arthur, from Indonesia, and Siddhanth Adikedi, from United Arab Emirates, get tangled up in a game of Twister at the Rock VIU carnival Thursday. The party, featuring games, live music, free pizza and exhibits, finished of the university’s annual orientation day for new students who come from around the world to study in Nanaimo. (CHRIS BUSH/The News Bulletin)

Orientation day rocks VIU’s Nanaimo campus

Annual orientation day events and party welcomes new students to Vancouver Island University

Hundreds of new students from Canada and around the world got acquainted with Vancouver Island University’s Nanaimo campus and their new instructors at Rock VIU 2019.

VIU hosted more than 700 new students for annual welcome-to-campus orientation event, which gives students a chance to meet and make friends, learn about campus services and resources, meet their instructors and have a fun start to the fall semester.

Students attended a Drum Café welcome event, then went off to meet senior students offering advice, had a barbecue lunch, met staff and instructors at faculty block parties and finished the day at a carnival with free pizza, games, activities on inflatables, live music and prizes.

A special event was also held for indigenous and non-indigenous students at Shq’apthut, VIU’s Aboriginal Gathering Place.

Main sponsors for Rock VIU 2019 were Panago Pizza, RBC and Harris Mazda.

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Nanaimo News Bulletin