Paramedics teach "think before you dial 911"

Paramedics teach “think before you dial 911”

Community Paramedics, Mikael Kjellstrom from Barriere, and Stuart Gibson from Blue River, paid a visit to the North Thompson Activity Centre Society's Summer Care Program at The Ridge in Barriere last Tuesday.

  • Jul. 4, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Community Paramedics, Mikael Kjellstrom from Barriere, and Stuart Gibson from Blue River, paid a visit to the North Thompson Activity Centre Society’s Summer Care Program at The Ridge in Barriere last Tuesday.

The paramedics were there to teach the youngsters about how to dial 911, when to do it, and about not playing around with using the 911 number – but to use it only for an emergency.

They showed the youngsters a short power point presentation about 911 and emergency situations and what young people should do when in that position. Printed information was shared, and the paramedics asked and answered questions with their young attendees.

Barriere Star Journal