Molly is recovering for punctured wounds she suffered from another dog on Jan. 26, 2021 in Parksville. (Submitted photo)

Parksville woman distraught after small pet injured by larger dog during pathway walk

Molly the corgi recovering; owner of other dog sought

  • Feb. 3, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A Parksville woman says she continues to be traumatized by an incident where her pet corgi, Molly, was badly injured by another dog during a walk along the Maple Glen linear pathway.

“It was horrible,” said Cindy Hornung. “My dog was absolutely attacked.”

The incident happened on Jan. 26, just before noon. Hornung and her mother, Mary Huzio, were walking their leashed corgis. Hornung said they encountered a man with his dog, which she described was a ‘white shepherd’ weighing approximately 100 pounds.

“The dog broke free from the guy, I think he was on a chain or something, that’s what my mom said, and he run straight to my dog, grabbed her on the side and back end,” Hornung described. “He picked her up three feet from the ground and shook her back and forth.”

To save her pet, Hornung jumped in and started beating the other dog.

“He let her go and just as I was about to stand up, the dog attacked Molly again and they guy just stood there and did nothing,” said Hornung. “And then he said it wasn’t his dog that he was just walking it for someone. Whether that’s true or not, I just don’t know.”

Hornung picked up Molly to protect her and she said she was also jumped by the dog.

“I was trying to find this guy but he took off to grab his dog,” said Hornung. “He just left as if nothing happened. [The dog] would have killed [Molly] had I not jumped in.”

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Molly suffered a puncture near her rear end and was treated by a veterinarian. Hornung said she spent more than $400 and it could end up being more down the road.

“She will be alright,” said Hornung. “The vet said the wound may heal properly on its own but they’re not sure yet.”

Hornung said she reported the incident to the Oceanside RCMP and also to the City of Parksville’s bylaw officer. She has posted signs around the area to inform the public.

Anyone with information can contact Hornung at 250-937-1715 or report it to the bylaw officer at 250-248-6144.

“I moved to this area so I could use the pathway,” said Hornung. “I moved to this street because of all the paths and now I am scared to even go out.”

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