Penticton Fire Department mops up after a fire damaged a net in Kings Park on Saturday, April 3. (Brennan Phillips - Western News)

Penticton Kings Park goal net catches fire

Witnesses say they someone there with hanging sheets just before the net caught on fire

  • Apr. 3, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Penticton’s Fire Department were called down to Kings Park after reports came in of a grassfire in the field around 9 a.m.

The net, at the south-eastern corner near Moosejaw Street, had caught fire.

According to fire officer Mike Wade, the fire had been spotted by people who used a household fire extinguisher on it.

“It was just smoldering when we arrived, no actual flame or anything. We just did a little mop-up, made sure it was cold.”

The cause of the fire is under investigation. A plastic clothing hanger was visibly hanging from the net.

“The reports were that there had been someone here with some sheets up, but that’s all we know right now,” said Wade.

RCMP also attended the scene.

Due to the location on the damp grass field and the conditions, the fire was unlikely to spread beyond the net nor did it pose a danger to the nearby homes, said Wade.

“It could have if there had been big winds, but we don’t have any winds right now,” said Wade.

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