Search and rescue called on the assistance of a helicopter to help retrieve an injured hiker at Skaha Bluffs on Sunday.
Dale Jorgensen, from Penticton and District Search and Rescue, said some of their volunteer members had just returned from an overnight shift searching for a missing camper (who eventually showed up) with the Central Okanagan Search and Rescue team at Browne Lake when they received the call for an injured hiker around noon.
READ MORE: Rescue crews suspend search for Okanagan kayaker
“The callout was to the middle upper part of the bluffs, so it is a good hike in. Due to the nature of the terrain at Skaha Bluffs and the difficulty to get out there we generally activate our helicopter evacuation team and long lined out the injured party. It is safer for them and lower risk to cause further damage to any existing injury,” said Jorgensen.
An 0ff-duty paramedic that was on the scene was able to provide good information on the condition of the injured climber to search and rescue which Jorgensen said helped expedite the rescue.
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