Penticton City Hall. (Google Maps image)

Penticton City Hall. (Google Maps image)

Penticton students to get a live lesson in municipal politics

The school-based meeting, on May 7, is being held in an effort to engage youth

  • Apr. 24, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Penticton Secondary School students are set to get a live lesson in local government when Penticton City Council begins deliberating municipal business in the school library.

The school-based meeting, on May 7, is being held in an effort to engage youth and promote local government awareness.

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“Our young residents often have little contact with, or even context around, local government and decisions that take place at city hall,” said Mayor John Vassilaki in a news release. “A rounded education ought to expose youth to not only the subjects of math, science, language and arts, but also those matters that oversee the democratic procedures governing our community and the process by which community decisions are made by the people we elect. Council is looking forward to this upcoming meeting and the opportunity to speak directly to our youth.”

The May 7 meeting will commence at 1 p.m., recess at 3 p.m. and reconvene at city hall at 6 p.m.

“Providing an opportunity for students to witness and participate in democratic processes is an important part of education,” said vice principal of Penticton Secondary School, Bo Boxall. “Having the city council meeting at Pen High is a fantastic opportunity for our students to see first-hand how the locals can help lead important changes throughout our community. As a school, we are excited to welcome city council to Pen High.”

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