Ministry of Environment sayd it has no money in its budget for 2019 to help pay for water testing and monitoring of groundwater along Fisher Road. File photo)

Ministry of Environment sayd it has no money in its budget for 2019 to help pay for water testing and monitoring of groundwater along Fisher Road. File photo)

Penticton water main flushing may result in discoloured water

Water main flushing program runs in Penticton from Sept. 16 to Oct. 31

If you experience discoloured water, don’t be alarmed — the annual water main flushing is taking place within Penticton’s municipal area.

According to the public works department they will commence the unidirectional water main flushing program Sept. 16 to Oct. 31.

“If you do experience dirty water, simply run a cold water tap until water clears up. We thank you for your cooperation and apologize for any inconvenience you experience,” said public works manager Len Robson.

As a result of the flushing, the water supply might show sediment and discolouration in various areas. According to the city, the sediment is bacterially harmless, however, may cause some discoloration to laundry if not detected. To avoid any inconvenience check water colour prior to using. They suggest running a cold water tap until it clears up

According to a city press release, the advantages of adopting a unidirectional water main flushing program will result in significant system improvements and cost savings. These include; increased water velocity, which promotes better pipeline scouring, improved mineral and biological deposit removal, taste and odour control, reduction of turbidity, elimination of waterline re-fouling, reduced frequency of mainline flushing, reduced water usage, opportunity for infrastructure preventative maintenance (valve and hydrant exercising) and cost savings over traditional flushing.

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