PHOTO GALLERY: 54th annual 676 Kittyhawk cadet review

49 members of Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron show their abilities, earn medals, bursaries, awards

Maj. Gordon Sharpe salutes Flight Sgt. Adam Johnson during the 676 Kittyhawk Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron review on Saturday, June 2.

Maj. Gordon Sharpe salutes Flight Sgt. Adam Johnson during the 676 Kittyhawk Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron review on Saturday, June 2.

The sound of distant drums echoed in the hangar where proud parents and officials waited among giant military helicopters.

Then, with the flourish of wind instruments entered the nearly 50 cadets from 676 Kittyhawk Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron.

After a march and the singing of “O Canada,” the young cadets stood at attention for inspection by reviewing officer Maj. Gordon Sharpe. He looked over each cadet and chatted with a few before overseeing a demonstration.

Saturday’s event was the 54th annual inspection and review for the squadron.

Twelve awards were handed out, such as most improved cadet (Cpl. Ryan Rieser), outstanding junior cadet (Sgt. Justin Pond) and outstanding flight commander (Flight Sgt. Christian Gronsdahl).

In addition, four bursaries and two medals were given out.

Peninsula News Review