Thomas Allan, Second World War. Ruth Edelman Andrews, Second World War Tom Andrews, Second World War Edward Henry Bazell, Second World War Raymond William Bazell, Second World War William Edward Bazell, Second World War Andrew Black, Second World War Ken Brown, Second World War Randell Smith Crocker, Second World War Peter Foodikoff, Second World War Leo Headington, Second World War Walter Higgins, Second World War Art Jakeman, Second World War Herb Johnson, Second World War Albert Hugh MacBride George F. Nuyens Staff Sargeant R.C.A.S.C 1942 - 1946 E.C. Ted Nuyens R.C.A.S.C. First World War The ATkins Brothers, Peter and Ernie, served in the army KRRC 2 Batt - RFN Palistine M.E.L.F. 1946 and the Navy 1944 in Japan, respectively. Sargent George Atkins served as a flight engineer RAF. He was killed April 18, 1944. Albert E. Berry, Canadian Expeditionary Force in the First World War Lawrence Berston, Second World War. William (Bill) Warner served in the Second World War. Military service: 1942-45. (Alison Warner - Contributed) Ivan Copper served with the Royal Canadian Navy in the Second World War. (Brian Copper - Contributed) H.E. (Frank) Dubois RCAF Second World War H.G. (Henry) Dubois Army First and Second World War Samuel ‘Cecil’ Frederick Ebert 1939-45 Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers England, Holland and Belgium Albert Finch, Second World War Gus Gauvin Second World War Merchant navy Based out of Halifax at the time Private Geoffrey Standen served in the Second World War in the British Army in Italy-Greece. Joe Goldenthal, Second World War. Private William ‘Bill’ Haines,Westminster Regiment, Driver/Mechanic 1941-46. Served in the UK, central Mediterranian, continental Europe. Bill Knox, Second World War Clarence Knox, First World War William Langhorn of the Seaforth Highlanders. (Scott Gentes - Contributed) Ronald Learmont, Royal Airforce Second World War Johnny MacKenzie served in Canada 1943-44 and the UK (RAF) stationed in Dunsfold April-December 1944. F/L Joseph Monteyne, DFC, Navigator, 425 Squadron, RCAF, 1942-56, Bomber Command, England George Hiram Moore, infantry soldier in the Canadian Army 1942-45 in the Second World War, frontlines in Europe, directly involved with the Italian Camapign. Member of the Cape Breton Islanders regiment. Patrick Ronald ‘Irish’ Balfour of the Royal Canadian Engineers in the Korean War. (Terry Balfour - Contributed) Corporal Kevin Francis Patterson Member of the Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers 1972 - 1986 Served United Nations Peacekeeping Missions in the Cyprus (1975; 1978) and Egypt (1976). Corporal James Alvin Sayese served with the Regina Rifle Regiment in the Second World War. He was killed in action in France at age 19. Melvin Schappert, Second World War Stan Collison served in the Royal Canadian Navy in the Second World War. (Cheryl Doyle - Contributed) C.R. ‘Smokey’ Trumbley, Second World War Pte. Albin L. Valair (born in Vernon 1925), Lincoln and Willand Regt. Second World War 1943-45. Pte. Belford M. Valair (1919-2006), 10th Field Sqn. RCE, Second World War 1940-45. April Walter served in Bosnia 1999-2000 Harold Ward, FLO 1941-46 Royal Canadian Air Force India & Burma Harry Waselowich (1922-2007) served with the Regina Rifle Regiment in England and Holland. Lt. Robert ‘Bob’ Woolman was part of the initail assault force on Juno Beach on D-Day, June 6, 1944, landing as part of the ‘B’ Company. Rosemary Ellen Johnson (Bazell) Second World War Geoffrey Standen Edwin Stark, Second World War F/Sgt. John Lawrence Stordy enlisted 1941-07-17. Killed in action 1943-04-27 John Wood, Second World WarIvan Copper served with the Royal Canadian Navy in the Second World War. (Brian Copper - Contributed)