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Planned power outage in Port Alice Oct. 27

BC Hydro crews to work from midnight to 4 a.m. replacing substation equipment

  • Oct. 22, 2020 12:00 a.m.

BC Hydro is planning a four-hour power outage in Port Alice during the early morning of Oct. 27. Crews will be at the Jeune Landing substation to replace some equipment and clear vegetation.

Power to Port Alice will be shut off at midnight, affecting 676 customers. BC Hydro expects to have power back on by 4 a.m., Tuesday.

Community relations spokesperson Karla Louwers said crews will set up generator lights to be able to work in the dark, minimizing impact to customers.

“But we do recognize this requires some planning on the part of customers, so we do thank everyone for their patience.”

Alarm clocks in particular could be an inconvenience, so residents are advised to plan ahead.

The last planned outage on the North Island occurred on Aug. 13 during the day, and took nearly 12 hours.

That work was done during daylight hours since helicopters were required, meaning customers, especially small businesses, were significantly more impacted.

RELATED: BC Hydro responds to all-day North Island power outage complaints

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North Island Gazette