Police are warning people that they will be on the lookout for bad behaviour for May long weekend.

Police are warning people that they will be on the lookout for bad behaviour for May long weekend.

Police expecting busy long weekend

RCMP will have a presence at Lake Koocanusa to be on the lookout for bad behaviour

While the Cranbrook RCMP is hoping the May long weekend is uneventful, members warn that they will be on the lookout for any rabble-rousers.

Each year an influx of campers to the Koocanusa area brings with it impaired driving, assaults, and damage to Crown land. The amount of garbage left in the area after campers leave on Monday is frustrating for those who live, work and camp in the area, says an RCMP spokesperson.

“Each May long weekend the Koocanusa area is filled to capacity with campers looking to camp for free on Crown Land,” said Cst. Katie Forgeron. “The Cranbrook RCMP want people to have a great weekend, but want them to behave responsibly.”

Police will be on the lookout for impaired drivers, distracted drivers and Motor Vehicle infractions. Littering and cutting down trees are also scenarios that the RCMP, along with its partners, will be looking into.

Police will be keeping an eye out for any criminal behaviour such as Impaired Driving and Immediate Roadside Prohibitions and Vehicle Impoundments for drivers under the influence of alcohol.

RCMP will also be on the lookout to ensure that vehicles are roadworthy and will be conducting safety checks under Motor Vehicle Act regulations. If any vehicles are found breaking any MVA regulations, it may be removed from the roadway at the owners’ expense.

Open liquor in vehicles and being drunk in public could also lead to fines under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act.

Cranbrook Townsman