Sheldon Pierre Louis, puti kʷala – we are still here, 2020, acrylic on canvas, 48x48 inches. (Sheldon Pierre Louis)

Sheldon Pierre Louis, puti kʷala – we are still here, 2020, acrylic on canvas, 48x48 inches. (Sheldon Pierre Louis)

Portraits celebrating Syilx culture now on display at Kelowna International Airport

Sheldon Pierre Louis' art will be on display at YLW from now until July 2021

  • Jul. 8, 2020 12:00 a.m.

An Okanagan artist’s colourful portraits are now gracing the walls of the Kelowna International Airport (YLW).

Kelowna-based artist Sheldon Pierre Louis’ exhibit, titled ‘puti kʷala – we are still here’, features six vibrant multi-layered portraits that celebrate Syilx history and culture.

The paintings feature intricate filigree patterns and incorporate a mix of traditional and contemporary imagery, showing snapshots of modern and traditional Okanagan life.

The exhibit is on display just before the security screening area near the departure gates at YLW.

Louis, an interdisciplinary artist, is a member of the Syilx Nation and serves as a councillor with the Okanagan Indian Band. According to a statement from the Kelowna Art Gallery, the portraits in his exhibit draw inspiration from his own extended family life.

The ‘puti kʷala – we are still here’ exhibit will be at YLW from now until July 2021. Louis will speak about his practice and current installation during a virtual talk, which will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 1 from noon to 1 p.m. Louis’ talk will be broadcast as part of the ‘LunchBox Lectures’, a partnership between the Kelowna Art Gallery, Sncəwips Heritage Museum, and Kelowna Museums.

For more information on current exhibitions, public programming or other projects, visit the Kelowna Art Gallery’s site.

For more information on Louis and his art, visit his website.

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Twila Amato

Video journalist, Black Press Okanagan

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