Poverty Reduction Initiatives in Chilliwack the topic of networking event Feb. 25 by Chilliwack Healthier Community. (CHC)

Poverty in Chilliwack on the virtual agenda to unpack powerful projects

Chilliwack network of 45+ health/social service agencies to take on poverty reduction Feb. 25

Poverty reduction in Chilliwack is on the virtual agenda.

It’s the theme of the information and networking event for Chilliwack Healthy Community (CHC) network set for Thursday, Feb. 25, focused on a number of cutting-edge projects in Chilliwack.

Opening comments will be by Karin Rempel, program director at Sardis Doorway for Mothers and Children Society, and member of the CHC Poverty Reduction Task Team.

The event will feature CHC’s Poverty Story Book from Melissa Kendzierski, graphic recorder, Drawing Together Inc. There will be presentations on Pathways the new community service directory, Food Security in Chilliwack, Chilliwack Food Council, Chilliwack Community Food Hub, Chilliwack Community Food Security Assessment, and the DownTown Chilliwack Community Market.

RELATED: Pathways is the key to local community services

CHC is a network focused on affordable/accessible housing, mental health, addictions, poverty reduction and cultural safety and humility.

Registration for the Zoom meeting is only open until Wednesday, Feb. 24, 11:30 p.m.

Only registrants get the link, so register soon.

READ MORE: What is Chilliwack doing about housing and homelessness?

RELATED: Feedback leads to action from CHC forums

Do you have something to add to thisstory, or something else we should report on? Email: jfeinberg@theprogress.com

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